Specialized Listeria monocytogenes produce tailocins to provide a population-level competitive growth advantage
Nadejda Sigal, Rotem Lichtenstein-Wolfheim, Shai Schlussel, Gil Azulay, Ilya Borovok, Vered Holdengraber, Nadav Elad, Sharon G. Wolf, Ran Zalk, Raz Zarivach, Gabriel A. Frank, Anat A. Herskovits
Nat Microbiol (2024).
Listeria monocytogenes TcyKLMN Cystine/Cysteine Transporter Facilitates Glutathione Synthesis and Virulence Gene Expression
Moran Brenner, Sivan Friedman, Adi Haber, Nurit Livnat-Levanon, Ilya Borovok, Nadejda Sigal, Oded Lewinson, Anat A Herskovits
A dual-function phage regulator controls the response of cohabiting phage elements via regulation of the bacterial SOS response
Gil Azulay, Anna Pasechnek, Olga Stadnyuk, Shai Ran-Sapir, Ana Mejia Fleisacher, Ilya Borovok, Nadejda Sigal, Anat A Herskovits
Cell Rep 2022 Apr 19;39(3):110723
Generation of Markerless Gene Deletion Mutants in Listeria monocytogenes Using a Mutated PheS for Counterselection
Shai Ran Sapir, Etai Boichis, and Anat A. Herskovits
Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophage (BMDM) Infection by Listeria monocytogenes
Etai Boichis, Shai Ran Sapir, and Anat A. Herskovits
A Metzincin and TIMP-Like Protein Pair of a Phage Origin Sensitize Listeria monocytogenes to Phage Lysins and Other Cell Wall Targeting Agents
Etai Boichis, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok and Anat A. Herskovits
Microorganisms, 2021, 9(6), 1323
Active Lysogeny in Listeria Monocytogenes Is a Bacteria-Phage Adaptive Response in the Mammalian Environment.
Anna Pasechnek, Lev Rabinovich, Olga Stadnyuk, Gil Azulay, Jessica Mioduser, Tal Argov, Ilya Borovok, Nadejda Sigal and Anat A. Herskovits
Coordination of cohabiting phage elements supports bacteria-phage cooperation.
Tal Argov, Shai Ran Sapir, Anna Pasechnek, Gil Azulay, Olga Stadnyuk, Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok and Anat A. Herskovits
Metabolism of the Gram-Positive Bacterial Pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
John-Demian Sauer, Anat A. Herskovits and Mary X.D. O'riordan.
Controlled branched-chain amino acids auxotrophy in Listeria monocytogenes allows isoleucine to serve as a host signal and virulence effector.
Moran Brenner, Lior Lobel, Ilya Borovok, Nadejda Sigal, Anat A Herskovits (2018)
PLoS Genet 14(3): e1007283.
Temperate bacteriophages as regulators of host behavior.
Tal Argov, Gil Azulay, Anna Pasechnek, Olga Stadnyuk, Shai Ran-Sapir, Ilya Borovok, Nadejda Sigal and Anat A Herskovits.
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2017, 38:81–87
Metabolic Genetic Screens Reveal Multidimensional Regulation of Virulence Gene Expression in
Listeria monocytogenes and an Aminopeptidase That Is Critical for PrfA Protein Activation.
Sivan Friedman, Marika Linsky, Lior Lobel, Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal and Anat A. Herskovits
Infect Immun. 2017 May 23;85(6). pii: e00027-17. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00027-17.
An Effective Counterselection System for Listeria monocytogenes and Its Use To Characterize the Monocin Genomic Region of Strain 10403S.
Tal Argov, Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal, Anat A. Herskovits
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2017 Mar 2;83(6). pii: e02927-16. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02927-16.
L-glutamine Induces Expression of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence Genes.
Adi Haber, Sivan Friedman, Lior Lobel , Tamar Burg-Golani , Nadejda Sigal , Jessica Rose , Nurit Livnat-Levanon , Oded Lewinson, Anat A. Herskovits
PLoS Pathog. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006161. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006161.
RNA Purification from Intracellularly Grown Listeria monocytogenesin Macrophage Cells.
Nadejda Sigal, Anna Pasechnek and Anat A. Herskovits
J. Vis. Exp. (112), e54044, doi:10.3791/54044 (2016).
Systems Level Analyses Reveal Multiple Regulatory Activities of CodY Controlling Metabolism, Motility and Virulence in Listeria monocytogenes.
Lior Lobel and Anat A. Herskovits
PLoS Genet. 2016 Feb 19;12(2):e1005870.
A new perspective on lysogeny: prophages as active regulatory switches of bacteria
Ron Feiner, Tal Argov, Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok and Anat A. Herskovits
Nature Reviews Microbiology 13,641–650, (2015)
The Human P-Glycoprotein Transporter Enhances the Type I Interferon Response to Listeria monocytogenes Infection.
Nadejda Sigal, Millie Kaplan Zeevi, Shiri Weinstein, Dan Peer and Anat A. Herskovits
Infect Immun. 2015 Mar 30, 83:2358–2368.
The metabolic regulator CodY links Listeria monocytogenes metabolism to virulence by directly activating the virulence regulatory gene prfA.
Lior Lobel, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok, Boris R. Belitsky, Abraham L. Sonenshein and Anat A. Herskovits
Mol Microbiol. 2015 Feb;95(4):624-44. 2015 Feb;95(4):624-44.
Listeria monocytogenes MDR transporters are involved in LTA synthesis and triggering of innate immunity during infection.
Keren Tadmor, Yair Pozniak, Tamar Burg Golani, Lior Lobel, Moran Brenner, Nadejda Sigal, and Anat A. Herskovits
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2014; 4: 16.
Membrane Chaperone SecDF Plays a Role in the Secretion of Listeria monocytogenes Major Virulence Factors
Tamar Burg-Golani, Yair Pozniak, Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal, Ran Nir Paz and Anat A. Herskovits
J. Bacteriol. December 2013 vol. 195 no. 23 5262-5272
Listeria monocytogenes MDR transporters and c-di-AMP that contribute to Type I interferons induction, play a role in cell wall stress.
Millie Kaplan Zeevi, Nirit S. Shafir, Shira Shaham, Sivan Friedman, Nadejda Sigal, Ran Nir-Paz, Ivo G. Boneca and Anat A. Herskovits
J. Bacteriol. December 2013 vol. 195 no. 23 5250-5261
Prophage Excision Activates Listeria Competence Genes that Promote Phagosomal Escape and Virulence.
Lev Rabinovich, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok, Ran Nir-Paz, and Anat A. Herskovits
Cell 150, 792–802, August 17, 2012
Integrative Genomic Analysis Identifies Isoleucine and CodY as Regulators of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence
Lior Lobel, Nadejda Sigal, Ilya Borovok, Eytan Ruppin, and Anat A. Herskovits
PLoS Genet. 2012 Sep;8(9):e1002887.
Previous Publications:
Listeria monocytogenes 6-Phosphogluconolactonase mutants induce increased activation of a host cytosolic surveillance pathway.
Crimmins GT, Schelle MW, Herskovits AA, Ni PP, Kline BC, Meyer-Morse N, Iavarone AT, Portnoy DA.
Infect Immun. 2009 Jul;77(7):3014-22. Epub 2009 Apr 27.
Listeria monocytogenes multidrug resistance transporters activate a cytosolic surveillance pathway of innate immunity.
Crimmins GT, Herskovits AA, Rehder K, Sivick KE, Lauer P, Dubensky TW Jr, Portnoy DA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jul 22;105(29):10191-6. Epub 2008 Jul 16.
Bacterial ligands generated in a phagosome are targets of the cytosolic innate immune system.
Herskovits AA, Auerbuch V, Portnoy DA.
PLoS Pathog. 2007 Mar;3(3):e51.
The Unc93b1 mutation 3d disrupts exogenous antigen presentation and signaling via Toll-like receptors 3, 7 and 9.
Tabeta K, Hoebe K, Janssen EM, Du X, Georgel P, Crozat K, Mudd S, Mann N, Sovath S, Goode J, Shamel L, Herskovits AA, Portnoy DA, Cooke M, Tarantino LM, Wiltshire T, Steinberg BE, Grinstein S, Beutler B.
Nat Immunol. 2006 Feb;7(2):156-64. Epub 2006 Jan 15.
Killed but metabolically active microbes: a new vaccine paradigm for eliciting effector T-cell responses and protective immunity.
Brockstedt DG, Bahjat KS, Giedlin MA, Liu W, Leong M, Luckett W, Gao Y, Schnupf P, Kapadia D, Castro G, Lim JY, Sampson-Johannes A, Herskovits AA, Stassinopoulos A, Bouwer HG, Hearst JE, Portnoy DA, Cook DN, Dubensky TW Jr.
Nat Med. 2005 Aug;11(8):853-60. Epub 2005 Jul 24.
Accumulation of endoplasmic membranes and novel membrane-bound ribosome-signal recognition particle receptor complexes in Escherichia coli.
Herskovits AA, Shimoni E, Minsky A, Bibi E.
J Cell Biol. 2002 Nov 11;159(3):403-10. Epub 2002 Nov 4.
Evidence for coupling of membrane targeting and function of the signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor FtsY.
Herskovits AA, Seluanov A, Rajsbaum R, ten Hagen-Jongman CM, Henrichs T, Bochkareva ES, Phillips GJ, Probst FJ, Nakae T, Ehrmann M, Luirink J, Bibi E.
Putative integral membrane SRP receptors.
Bibi E, Herskovits AA, Bochkareva ES, Zelazny A.
Trends Biochem Sci. 2001 Jan;26(1):15-6.
New prospects in studying the bacterial signal recognition particle pathway.
Herskovits AA, Bochkareva ES, Bibi E.
Mol Microbiol. 2000 Dec;38(5):927-39. Review.
Association of Escherichia coli ribosomes with the inner membrane requires the signal recognition particle receptor but is independent of the signal recognition particle.
Herskovits AA, Bibi E.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Apr 25;97(9):4621-6