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Prof. Anat A. Herskovits


1996 BSc. Tel-Aviv University
1998 MSc. Tel-Aviv University
2003 PhD Weizmann Institute of Science
2008 Post Doctoral studies, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Academic Positions

Full professor of Microbiology and Cell Biology, The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

2021-now Chair of the MSc Program in Microbiology

2018-2023 President of  the Israel Society of Microbiology

2022 Elected as a member of the European Academy of Microbiologists (EAM).

2022- present  Head of the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

Academic and Professional Awards

1996 Life Science Tel-Aviv University; Dean 's award for excellence
1998 Wolfson Prize for academic excellence, Tel-Aviv Unisersity
1999 PhD scholarship granted by Feinberg Graduate School, of the Weizmann Institute of Science
2000 EMBO fellowship
2003 The Feinberg Graduate School Dean's award for excellent PhD
2003-2006 Post-Doctoral Fellowship- Miller Institute for Basic Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA

2013 Received ERC-StG Grant

2015 The Israel Society of Microbiology- Moshe Shilo Prize for excellent studies

2019 Received ERC Consolidator Grant

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